What is the diet of great white sharks in captivity?

Great white sharks are one of the most famous and feared predators in the ocean. In the wild, their diet includes a variety of marine animals. However, when these sharks are kept in captivity, their diet needs to be carefully managed to ensure their health and well-being. This article aims to answer the question: “What is the diet of great white sharks in captivity?

Key Takeaways

  • Great white sharks have diverse dietary needs.
  • In captivity, their diet is carefully planned to mimic their natural food sources.
  • They eat a variety of foods including Fishes, other sharks, skates, stingrays, sea turtles, molluscs, crustaceans, seabirds and even dead whales.
  • Maintaining the right diet is crucial for their health and longevity in captivity.
Food TypeNutrients Provided
FishProteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals
Other SharksProteins, Fats
Skates and StingraysProteins, Fats, Minerals
Sea TurtlesProteins, Vitamins, Minerals
Mollusks and CrustaceansProteins, Vitamins, Minerals

The Natural Diet of Great White Sharks

In the wild, great white sharks are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain. Their diet is diverse and includes:

  • Fish: They consume various fish species, including smaller sharks.
  • Other Sharks: Great whites have been known to eat other smaller sharks.
  • Skates and Stingrays: These flat-bodied fish are also part of their diet.
  • Sea Turtles: Occasionally, great whites will prey on sea turtles.
  • Mollusks and Crustaceans: They also eat squids, octopuses, and crustaceans like crabs.
  • Seabirds: On rare occasions, seabirds become part of their diet.
  • Dead Whales: They will scavenge on the carcasses of dead whales when available.

Diet of Great White Sharks in Captivity


In captivity, great white sharks are often fed a variety of fish. Fish provide the necessary proteins and fats that sharks need to stay healthy. Common types of fish fed to great whites in captivity include mackerel, herring, and salmon.

“Feeding great white sharks a variety of fish ensures they get the right nutrients and stay healthy.”

Other Sharks

Occasionally, smaller sharks are included in the diet of great white sharks in captivity. This helps mimic their natural eating habits and provides them with a familiar food source.

“Including smaller sharks in their diet helps replicate the natural food chain and keeps the great white sharks’ feeding behavior natural.”

Skates and Stingrays

Skates and stingrays are also part of the diet for great white sharks in captivity. These foods help provide a balanced diet and ensure that the sharks receive different types of nutrients.

“Providing a diet that includes skates and stingrays helps keep great white sharks healthy and strong.”

Sea Turtles

While not a common food source in captivity, sea turtles can be included in the diet occasionally to provide variety and mimic natural eating habits.

“Occasional inclusion of sea turtles in their diet helps maintain the great white sharks’ natural instincts and behaviors.”

Mollusks and Crustaceans

Mollusks like squid and octopus, and crustaceans such as crabs, are also part of the diet for great white sharks in captivity. These foods are rich in essential nutrients that sharks need.

“Feeding mollusks and crustaceans to great white sharks helps provide a well-rounded diet rich in essential nutrients.”

Seabirds and Dead Whales

In captivity, it is rare for great white sharks to be fed seabirds or dead whales. However, in some cases, parts of these animals may be used to provide enrichment and simulate natural feeding conditions.

“Occasional use of seabird parts or dead whale meat can provide enrichment and mimic the great white sharks’ natural diet.”

What is the diet of great white sharks in captivity?

Feeding Schedule and Techniques

Feeding great white sharks in captivity requires careful planning and techniques. Here are some common practices:

Feeding Schedule

Great white sharks do not need to eat every day. In captivity, they are often fed several times a week. This schedule mimics their natural feeding patterns in the wild.

“A well-planned feeding schedule ensures that great white sharks remain healthy and their natural feeding behaviors are maintained.”

Feeding Techniques

  1. Hand Feeding: Trained staff may hand-feed the sharks using long tongs to ensure safety.
  2. Feeding Poles: Poles are used to place food in the water, encouraging the sharks to hunt.
  3. Live Feeding: Occasionally, live fish are introduced into the tank to stimulate natural hunting behavior.

“Using various feeding techniques helps keep great white sharks engaged and maintains their natural hunting instincts.”

Health and Nutritional Needs

Ensuring that great white sharks receive a balanced diet in captivity is crucial for their health. Their diet must provide the right balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Here are some key nutritional needs:


Proteins are essential for the growth and repair of tissues. Fish and other marine animals are excellent sources of protein.

“Proteins are vital for the growth and repair of tissues in great white sharks.”


Fats provide energy and are necessary for maintaining healthy skin and organs. Fish like mackerel and salmon are rich in healthy fats.

“Healthy fats from fish help maintain the skin and organ health of great white sharks.”

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are crucial for overall health. A varied diet ensures that great white sharks get the necessary vitamins and minerals.

“A varied diet provides the essential vitamins and minerals that great white sharks need to stay healthy.”

Hand FeedingStaff use long tongs to feed sharks
Feeding PolesPoles are used to place food in the water
Live FeedingLive fish introduced to stimulate hunting
Challenges of Feeding Great White Sharks in Captivity

Challenges of Feeding Great White Sharks in Captivity

Feeding great white sharks in captivity presents several challenges:

Dietary Preferences

Great white sharks can be picky eaters. Ensuring they eat a balanced diet can be difficult if they prefer certain types of food.

“Great white sharks can be picky eaters, making it challenging to ensure they receive a balanced diet.”

Health Issues

Improper diet can lead to health problems like malnutrition or obesity. Regular health checks are essential to monitor their condition.

“Regular health checks are essential to ensure great white sharks are healthy and their diet is appropriate.”

Ethical Considerations

Feeding live prey to great white sharks raises ethical concerns. Alternatives must be found to provide enrichment without causing harm to other animals.

“Finding ethical ways to provide enrichment for great white sharks without harming other animals is crucial.”


Feeding great white sharks in captivity requires careful planning and consideration. Their diet includes a variety of foods such as fish, other sharks, skates, stingrays, sea turtles, mollusks, crustaceans, and sometimes even dead whales. By mimicking their natural diet, we can help ensure that these magnificent creatures remain healthy and thrive in captivity.

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